Renderings & Drawings
New direction for Arch design
Renderings & drawings have been an integral part of architecture since we've been putting together log homes, and probably before that. Now that we can design and plan for every conceivable notion a client may have... Designers and Architects find that they sometimes become more of an artists than a building planner. Simply drawing what the client asks for while trying to gentle guide them towards good design choices and explaining why.
Today's submittal has been a fun contemporary piece in Florida. The project starts out on a side street from a main thorough-fare. There is a curve at the location of the main street that radiates a block into the side street, affecting all the lots where the original planner(s) and to disperse the curve before the land ends in the Atlantic. This curve made this lot especially difficult to design for as it is more of a wedge shape and sub 8,000 sq ft.
If we break down the rendering, there are several items I may adjust to create a more appealing elevation. One is the window glare, notice how there is hardly any reflection (okay, there is non at all). Additionally, more light should come out of the house to cast shadows on the pool, which should also be illuminated. Other lighting should be amped up (Pool patio) to show off the exterior better during this twilight scene. The effect I have now is a darker "before the storm" affect, where additional lighting would create a "Someone is home" effect and a more welcoming environment.
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