Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Beach Bungalow

Beach Bungalow

Coastal & Traditional Architecture becomes Art

Coastal Bungalow HouseThe word Architecture is so closely tied to Art, one can imagine how many multitudes of young Architecture students grasp at using the term in some entry level class assignment.  I've used the term and words fairly recently myself. What I enjoy about the "Art" in "Architecture", is less about what is left after the house is drawn, and more of the process to get there.

Let's Imagine the process in my little Beach Bungalow (pictured).  There is a couple whom need help designing a home. We will meet to designed on a style that works in the neighborhood, the path of the sun, and fitting it on the lot.  I will have to verify lot coverage through-out the process of design and during this time, begin to work with Engineering & interviewing Builders. Once Design is completed, the Owners will need someone available to help should any construction issues arise.  Between the process of meeting with the "To Be Homeowners" and working closely to select a builder; we begin to design the house, usually using resources the clients have already found and brought in.

The process of review boards, budget meetings, and re-design are all part of a beautiful process it takes to get a custom home off the ground.  That is the "Art" in "Architecture" in my eyes.

Construction: Bosco Co., Atlantic Beach
Engineering: Alexander Grace, Jacksonville Beach

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