Friday, November 16, 2012

Mobile Web Site Designs

Site Design for your Phone,

Lots of fun...frustrating fun.

Before the Holidays beseech us all, and shoppers make their way to the grocer for food stock to feed Aunt Harriet, or Uncle Bob; I decided to take an evening and work on a new mobile site for  I never realized the ingenuity that goes into designing for your little pocket PCs until I tried to incorporate one into my site.  There's a whole lot less real-estate to work with to start with.

Well, that's not entirely true.  I have a pseudo page I made over at, though it doesn't use any of the page calls like I'm trying to design into my own site.  I might scrap everything and move to a wordpress site.  They are fast and nimble, easily modifiable (well, as easy as any web designing can be I guess) though I understand there are issues on keeping the sites up to date for security purposes.

The biggest problem I am having is writing a cookie to work off the htaccess file to show mobile users right off the bat, a page to decide if they want the mobile site or the main page.  It's frustrating, but a fun little hobby if nothing else.

Anyways, check it out and give me any feedback you may have.

Happy Trails!
-Michael S

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