Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tardis Blue Prints

Police Call boxes

3rd printing submittal

Art and prints are so much fun to work on.  There is a growing trend in digital art.  A lot has to do with the availability of high quality cameras as well as easy to manipulate those images easily.  Today's post/submittal has taken years in the making.  From an old school project, I have since modified these plans and got my first copyright (how exciting).

These are 18" x 24" 'Blue' Construction plans Version 3

The Metropolitan Police Telephone box (also known as a Tardis 
from the popular television show Dr. Who) was the successor to the old 
'watchbox' established in the London area early in the 19th Century. 

The first Police Telephone boxes were introduced into America in 1888. 
The earliest Police Box resembling Drawing G/A1 was erected in Newcastle 
in 1929. Originally built of wood, the design had changed to reinforced 
concrete, weighing in around two and one-half tons. 

Police Call Boxes, after which this design was drawn upon, were first 
built and placed in London in 1930. 

The cost was 43 L each, and by December 1953, there were 685 in existance. 
With the introduction of personal radio equipment, the Police Telephone 
Boxes were gradually phased out. 

This plan is nearly a full reproduction of the original plans used to build 
these icons of the past.

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